Measuring Your Website Matters

Hot Takes

P3 Staff | Jun 18, 2024

A simple, green illustrated graphic with a P3 asterisk mark on the left, and the blog title "Measuring your Website Matters" on the right.

Measuring your website matters. Plain and simple. Today, let’s discuss why.

Your website isn't just a digital business card—it's the central hub of your online presence. Your website is where your brand lives, your story is told, and your products or services are showcased. It’s where customers, prospects, employees and members expect to see the best version of your brand, the best expression of your content, and the best vehicle for conducting business. And it’s the most basic platform through which your business connects with the world outside of shouting distance.

But building a great website isn’t the finish line, it’s the starting line.

Measure Your Website Like You Would Count Your Customers

Imagine investing your blood, sweat and tears into building a state-of-the-art retail store, only to never check how many customers walked through the door, which displays attracted the most attention, or which products flew off the shelves. That’s exactly what happens when you take a passive approach to measuring your websites.

The number of user inputs you can track digitally can be nearly endless, but they can also be automatic. So, where to start? If you ask us, it’s all about getting into a rhythm. And once you do, there’s a lot to love.

In true Propagandist fashion, here's a track to get you in the spirit.

Get the Hang of your User Behavior

Getting in the rhythm of checking out your website’s analytics regularly helps you understand how visitors are interacting with your site. Which pages are they visiting? How long are they staying? Where are bounce rates spiking? You’ll be surprised what a little bit of investigation can yield when it comes gleaning insight into optimizing your user experience and ensuring visitors find what they’re looking for. 

Look a little further, and you can start to ponder vital SEO questions as well: Is my site ranking for the topics, products and keywords I think it should be? By understanding what user queries search engines are fetching your site for, and which ones are converting clicks (or not), you can identify ways to optimize your content and target the right content and keywords to measure and improve your search engine ranking position on SERPs.

An animated GIF of a data dashboard showing search traffic and search queries driving to

A common opportunity we see missed is implementing tagging on your site’s submission forms. And oftentimes, this is NOT something GA4 will properly track for you out of the box. For many businesses, submission forms are your lead engines. Sure, those submissions are probably handled in your or your team’s inboxes, but are you keeping track of how many you get? Your seasonal peaks and valleys? What referral traffic or which of your other tactics actually led to that lead on your site? 

Tracking conversions goes beyond just counting sales. It unveils valuable insights into customer journeys and buying behavior. You can measure which pages are most effective at driving leads, sales, requesting info– whatever action you might be wrapping your entire site around. This data can inform site optimization, boosting conversion rates and your return on investment (ROI). Website analytics also offer SEO advantages.

Conversion tracking reveals seasonal trends – think a travel agency seeing a surge in summer bookings. This allows you to tailor your website content and target relevant keywords for peak seasons. Plus, it helps you test the effectiveness of other marketing tactics all in one place.

Data Dashboards = Always-On Insights

At Propaganda3, we don't just build websites and apps—we build business solutions. Incorporating data-driven dashboards into our web and app offerings allows us to be much more than just a development partner, but an asset to your business and an advocate for your business digital success. 

Our Web Intelligence dashboards provide always-on insights and comprehensive views of key site measurement. Maybe you’ve dabbled in GA4, or are even a pro. But… If only you had the time to trudge through it all on top of juggling everything else! 

An animated GIF of a data dashboard showing traffic to

Before we even get started building your data dashboard, we’ll audit your existing analytics setup to make sure everything is configured properly, and that you’re not leaving any measurement on the table. Once your branded dashboard is built, it’s yours to peek into at any time. Share with your team, expedite your quarterly marketing reports, or opt-in for automated weekly or monthly recaps from P3. 

If you’re looking for a fresh set of eyes to help read the tea leaves, ask us about additional insights reporting, and we’ll immerse ourselves in your results to tell you what opportunities we see on a cadence that makes sense for you.

A Little Discipline Goes a Long Way

We believe a website should be a dynamic tool that grows with your business, not a static entity. Instilling a little bit of “data discipline” when it comes to measuring your site can go a LONG way. If you know P3, you know we’re a learning partner. We empower our clients to take control of their digital presences with ongoing measurement and analysis, and we’re happy to help you take your first step. 

Interested in learning more about Web Intelligence from P3? Give us a shout! We’d love to hear from you.

P3 Staff
P3 Staff,

It takes a village.